Web design is a challenging task, there is no way around. It is time consuming and requires intense problem solving skills. You will also have to incorporate art and design in order to launch the best website possible. There is simply a lot to do when making a website. The best thing that you can do is separate the whole of the whole of the project into chunks that you can easily manage. This can lead to proper team management and provide a sense of control that you probably felt you have never had over a project before.
1. Analysis

The first step in a website project design lifecycle is simply answering the website as to why you need the website. This is really vital for business websites; you may want to add an avenue of support for your clients, to promote your goods or services or to generate an entire new stream of income. Have a detailed plan of some of the results that you will like to see from your website.

2. Specification

The next step in your web design project lifecycle is producing a detailed plan of what your website will look like and what type of features it will have. You have to very carefully consider the user requirements and specifications that you figured out during the analysis stage. Take all the tangible goals that you chose for your websites and then produce features that will make a reality through website features. According to web development companies,you may pick a goal of wanting to communicate more efficiently with your customers. You have to have a feature in your website that will allow you to do this like a chat box with customer service.

3. Design and development

Gathering everything that you have done thus far in the web design cycle it is now time to implement them all into a website design. Having a professional web designer produce the designs for you is the best way to guarantee high quality of work. There should be a minimum of two to three prototype websites that will be designed. The design is then transferred over to a web developer and from there is produced as a functional website. Content writing is also done at this stage.

4. Testing and Delivery

Your entire team will come together at this point to test various aspects of the web design and make sure that it is functioning the way that it should be. This is a vital stepbefore the launch because the last thing that you want is your website suffering from an abundance of bugs that will stop anyone from using it.

Source:http://www.alistapart.com/articles/Process/ , Alistapart


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