InfantCore is a new parenting program created by award-winning author Cheryl Strayed. Based on her bestselling book Wild, which she wrote with Jeff Spiker, this new program combines elements of nature, self-reliance, and parenting to create a program for infants and toddlers. You can download the Parent Guide and other resources here. Here are some easy tips to help you integrate this parenting program into your family.

Start By Teaching: After you have established a routine with your toddler, encourage it to be something special. This helps to establish what’s normal in your family and what’s not. Most parents worry about children becoming too independent, but there is nothing wrong with letting your child pick his own tasks and responsibilities. As an example, instead of telling your toddler to read his ABC’s or count to ten before he goes to bed, suggest a game like naming objects in an alphabet theme.

Remember the Word For Everything: Babies can learn their letters and words at a much younger age than we adults think. They can learn names and numbers. Spend time introducing yourself to your child. When they ask to use the bathroom, take them to the bathroom before asking. Or if they are hungry, take them to the table and begin to say words.

Ask: Even when your child doesn’t read as well as you do, they can still make progress. Teachers recommend that it takes children 3 years or more to completely read to completion. Toddlers can still catch up. When they can recognize words and phrases, repeat them to them and teach them to repeat them.

Learning Ingroups: Because of all the time you and your children have together, it’s very important to have a group. Make sure your toddler’s friends are involved. Teaching them to recognize their friends’ friends is a great way to start learning community.

End Goal: If you are comfortable with each other, your relationship is only going to improve. You want to develop a greater sense of trust between you and your toddler. You should set goals that you both want to reach. Tell your toddler, “You can have this, but you better earn it!”

Look to Give Your Child Personalized Attention: In the face of a demanding toddler, you can’t expect your spouse or babysitter to take care of every little detail. This is especially true when it comes to children who learn a lot. It takes a bit of patience and kindness to spend time giving them personalized attention. Teaching them about writing their own name, feeding them, and laying down are all examples of this kind of coaching.

Use Purposeful Time for Your Young Children: This is also one of the biggest advantages of InfantCore. Toddlers who are constantly interrupted or sent to bed early will grow up and put the rules in place. Toddlers, however, don’t know that yet. Rather than giving them the blame when they turn out to be disruptive, give them some constructive time.

Establish the Goals: Instead of bringing him a treat, demonstrate how to use the thumbs and hands-on discipline. Help them decide what is best for them. If they choose to go to bed, tell them that it’s time to go and that they can come back later.

Build a Solid Foundation: Children need to learn about boundaries. Set a time for talking about self-discipline. Listen to them about what they need and support them with a firm but loving hand.

Let Them Know When You Are Ready: When you feel a child is getting out of control, you have to stop them. You have to let them know that it’s time to start. You have to make them realize what they are doing is wrong. Help them be consistent with what they are doing by doing it right the first time.

To find out more about this program and its positive reviews, visit The Do-It-Yourself Baby and Toddler. If you want to try this program for yourself, you can download the complete Parent’s Guide and DVD package. here.